The full analytic training program consists of four years of coursework, supervised analytic work, and personal analysis. Our curriculum makes use of a combination of in-person and distance instruction. We have designed our program so that it closely follows most of the standards set forth by the Accreditation Council for Psychoanalytic Education (ACPE), with exceptions made thoughtfully when our training philosophy or individual circumstances suggest the need for greater flexibility within the general confines of the standards.
Tuition for years three and four of Psychoanalytic training is $1500.00 per semester, two semesters per year.
The personal analysis component is expected to be initiated prior to the beginning of supervised clinical work. While the duration of an analysis depends on individual variables, the minimum requirement, as set forth by ACPE, is two years (300 hours), at a frequency of at least three times per week. While we do have guidelines regarding the length of post-graduate experience of the candidate’s analyst, we do not subscribe to a training analyst system, and in most cases, candidates have been able to work with an analyst of their own choosing. Additional details regarding the personal analysis requirement can be discussed individually with members of the Board.
Candidates are required to engage in a minimum of two analytic cases, with a minimum of three years of supervision divided between them.
Supervision Requirements:
Candidates are required to complete a combined total of 160 hours of supervision; one year is the equivalent of 40 hours of supervision. This includes two or more years of individual weekly supervision (80 hours) with one analytic case, and one or more years of individual weekly supervision (40 hours) with a second analytic case. Analytic cases are generally defined as meeting at least three times per week, although, particularly in work with children, the frequency may be less. The requirement for an additional year of supervision (40 hours), beyond the three years required for analytic cases, may be met in a variety of ways, e.g., following cases meeting at a frequency of less than three times per week, or supervision of work in community settings including work with groups, families, and couples.
Candidates are expected to work with a minimum of 3 individual supervisors during the course of their training, for at least a year (40 hours) each. Supervisors will be asked to complete evaluations on a yearly basis, which will be forwarded to the Clinical Training Coordinator. Candidates are expected to give the Clinical Training Coordinator the name of their supervisor at the beginning of each supervision and inform these individuals when their 40 hours is near completion so that supervisory evaluations can be collected in a timely manner.
Supervision can be sought from any analyst on the faculty of the Stephen A. Mitchell Center in New York, or any analyst from the local IRPP faculty. Supervisors who do not fall into either of these two categories may be considered, in consultation with the Board. Supervision is generally $100.00 per session for individual supervision.
The Board retains the right to ask candidates to complete additional supervisory hours if this is deemed necessary for the successful completion of the candidate’s training and readiness to be certified as an analyst by IRPP.
The Clinical Training Coordinator is available to discuss concerns about supervision and supervisory requirements at any time during a candidate’s training and will be available for annual check-ins regarding your progress in the program. Regular check-in’s are encouraged.